God's Love...

God's Love...

His Plan!

| Friday, 27 April 2012
First and foremost, give thanks to the one and only God for everything that He has given me.
For the past one year, things hadn't been easy due to some emotional problems, which sometimes only God and I myself knows when tears are shed in the middle of the night.
But through this, I experienced that when God says NO, certainly, He has reserved something BEST for us. Not "good" or "better", but BEST.
Most of the times, our eyes might be blinded with our own will and desire, resulting in disappointment and frustration and even depression, when things don't go as how we want them to be.
However, the moment we surrender ourselves again to our Abba Father, things just changed. It just feel so relieved and peaceful. And as we follow God's will in our life, there shall be showers of blessing.

You may say, why does God put us through all these circumstances which hurts us so much? So much that even our heart aches whenever the memory just came across our mind. I have experienced it, and it certainly makes me stronger each time. And when God says NO, we may be upset and frustrated. "Y U NO LISTEN TO ME???" You may say. Bear in mind, He has reserved something BEST for us. The frustration and sadness is just temporary, when we turn back to God, the happiness is indescribable. And when we look back, seeing the whole picture, the times of frustration and sadness are just shadings that make the picture more lively.

Father, forgive us for our disobedience, forgive us for being so stubborn, forgive us for not following Your will. You know we are weak, we fall down. But you never abandon us, You are always right beside us, waiting for us to call for You. Teach us obedience, at times we might rebel, have mercy on us. May your Holy Spirit speak to us, lead us not away from your path. Lord, give us patience, when You want us to wait. Forgive us for our impatience. Father we just want to thank You, for the blessings and love that you have given to us. Thank You!
In Jesus' name, AMEN!

"And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles: in the knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting. And waiting gives experience; and experience, hope: and hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:4-5


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